What is telehealth etiquette? Telehealth etiquette, sometimes referred to as "webside manner" is an important, but often overlooked contributor to the overall provider and patient experience with telehealth. Interacting through telehealth technology requires some attention to detail that may be different than the in-person encounter. Telehealth visits often require health care professionals to be more aware of their appearance, physical environment, use of technology & their communication style. Here you will find tips and tricks for enhancing both the provider and patient/client experience. Following is an outstanding quick video for providers to capture some of the most important best practice elements of videoconferencing etiquette:
Situation-Specific Etiquette. The Old Dominion University (ODU) Center for Telehealth Innovation, Education and Research (C-TIER) has developed a series of training videos related to telehealth etiquette for a variety of different types of scenarios and consults. We find these to be very valuable and believe you will as well.
Etiquette Checklists. For practitioners just getting started with telehealth, here are a few sample telehealth etiquette checklists. We recommend printing one of these out and having it with you as you get started. We also recommend that you take notes and customize it for your particular scenarios and consults:
- Make the Most of Your Telemedicine Visit: For Providers
- Telehealth Etiquette Checklist.
- Telehealth Visit Etiquette Checklist (American Medical Association)
Telephone Etiquette. While most trainings related to telehealth etiquette pertain to synchronous audio-video encounters, the following resources have been developed regarding telephone etiquette:
- 10 Communication Tips for Physician Phone Visits During COVID-19
- Managing a Telephone Encounter: Five Tips for Effective Communication
Physical Environment. Room design impacts the quality of telehealth visits and shouldn't be overlooked when thinking about telehealth etiquette. The California Telehealth Resource Center has put together this Virtual Care Room Design Toolkit.